The Book!

Like that title says above, this is about the book.

“Wait! There’s a book?”
“Well, yes, kind of my biography. And just like this website, and this blog that I’ve started, I hope it helps someone like me. Or someone not like me. Or in some way leaves a positive effect behind. OH! I almost forgot. If you’re a family member, a friend, a co-worker… have no fear, this book is not about you. There will be no airing of dirty laundry, publishing of secrets, telling of other peoples stories… Now, that’s not to say you won’t be mentioned in this book, because you’re all parts of my life and I’m so thankful that you are.

“Ok, sooooo when’s it coming out?”
“It has no official re-hold on. Did you mean to crack that pun?”
“No, I didn’t but I did realize it right after I said it. *hehe*”
“Damn, would have been a good one if you’d have meant it. So as I was saying, there’s no official release date.”

(Stop clicking the learn more button… it does nothing… yet.)