To my parents, for bringing me into this world, loving me, raising me, and so much more.

To my ex / Besty for being a great parent, a great partner, and wonderful human.

To my Daughter, for always being unapologetically yourself! And for being one of my greatest inspirations.

To you! my readers, who at least took the time to make it this far without say’in “FUck this is BORING!” and making your exit. Now keep reading…

I like pink and blue

I didn’t now what to write here, so I wrote that and ran with it. Keep Scrolling, the menu is below. πŸ‘‡πŸ»


  • No use of photos contained within this site is allowed unless authorized by Jess.
  • No use of information (copy, repost, reference, etc.) is allowed unless authorized by Jess.
  • If you try some self-help methods that I have said worked for me, please know that I am not a Dr. not a Psych, it is not official advice. What works for me, may not work for you, and I can only say what works for me… so if you feel you would benefit from Professional help, please get it. Asking for help is a sign of strength.